Prayer is the fuel that creates the fire in our lives to reach this city, Sydney, for Christ! As our team was praying just over a week ago I was given an idea...Fire! Fire, which is used to describe in scripture the torture of eternal punishment for those who do not believe. Fire, for believers as a tool of refining as we grow closer to Jesus and become more like him, holy. Fire, the passion that comes as we meet with God as we grow closer and understand his love for us bit by bit:
Fire! burning, dreadful, torturous-poisonous pain
Drinking, Drugging, Cheating, Abusing - brothers are slain
Godless humanity struggling for the spark
Hungry to know and to be known in the dark
Nights of the soul
Fire! burning, dreadful, torturous-reviving pain
Seeking, Opening, Digging, Exposing - reality to gain
God-fearing humanity fighting to die
Thirsty for organic H20 from Zion
Clarity thrusts through the blurred vision
Fire! burning, dreadful, hand of God-ordain
Exciting, Driving, Creating, Saving - Heaven to explain
God-serving humanity cruising the wave
New life marks the wake
And the soul is set free