Good News Sydney

Thoughts, directions, and vision of the Sydney church plant.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Conversation with a Neighbor

Hey everybody,

It is 5:15am and morning prayers are exciting. People come to mind...I pray. I read prayer requests from our prayer partners and exciting news from the 24-7 Prayer web site ( I pray! God is doing some wonderfully exciting things here. One of them occurred yesterday when a man down the street who showed up at our front door. Prompted by "who knows what" (I know!) a neighbor dropped over for a chat. He lives four or five houses down from us. He usually sits on a lawn chair recliner a good part of the day. I have made it a point to wave at him every time I pass by him whether in the car or on the street. We have had two previous chats and lots of waves...until today.

This man has had three months sober. He loves God and knows many scriptures and Catholic prayers by rote memory. As we sat and talked he quoted lots and lots of scripture. He must have stayed at the house from one in the afternoon until four thrity! This was a good thing. God is using our presence here in Sydney in a powerful way. This neighbor of ours even indicated an interest in being a part of a Bible study as soon as we get one started!!! He has also promised to take me to the next open AA meeting available. I pray for this opportunity to meet more of his friends. This is such a powerful indication that we are on the right track! Great is Your Faithfulness, Oh God my Father!



At 3:57 a.m., Blogger Xaven said...

Wicked stuff, Mike! Glad to hear that God is literally bringing people to you. People will know that you guys are Christians and know something is different not by the cliches or catch phrases, but by the Holy Spirit enabled and empowered love that He is pouring into Sydney through you guys.

I will continue praying for you as God prompts you to my heart and mind!

At 12:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there... umm i don't know if this is the place to inquire about something like this but I just came across your post and for my whole life I have been... i guess you could say a non believer. I grew up catholic..well sort of i suppose but never went to church etc..etc.. Its only been the last few months that for some reason i have taken an interest in religion (christianity) and almost feel like something is drawing me to it. I don't know anyone in my life that is a true believer or a true christian for that matter and i need some guidence and answers. If you could help me find that... I would really appreciate it. I would definately be interested in a bible study as I have no idea what the bible means and would like to learn. Also, I need help finding a good church that preaches in terms that I understand and not your stand up sit down kneel down while blabbering in scripture and not translating it to refer to the here and now. (I hope i didn't offend anyone by saying that) if i did sorry... but I just can't make sense of catholic churches... or at least havent come in contact with a priest that actually explained what he was talking about LOL. Well anyways.. like i said, any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated.


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