Good News Sydney

Thoughts, directions, and vision of the Sydney church plant.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

No Soup for you... KD instead

So its been a crazy week and I haven't had a chance to get on to update actually that's not entirally true I was on yesterday but the Blogger server was down. So here I am today with the update. A couple of crazy sweet things have been happening here at Harbour Wes. The first is that we were able to get connected with a Soup kitchen here in Sydney called Loaves and Fishes. I actually got the opportunity to go there today to help out its a sweet spot. A little bit of back ground on the place. They serve between 100-150 people a day 7 days a week, 365 a year. They are open from 10 am to 1pm every day without exception. It was a blast working with their head cook/co-ordinator/food delivery guy/floor man and pretty much any other job that makes the place run. Ron's his name and he's a great guy. I walked in this morning bright and early to discover two things first I was put right to work and second the main course of our menu today wasn't soup at all but KD how sweet is that. They have a few consistent volunteers that come faithfully everyday to help out but for the most are always looking for people to help. So if your ever in the neighborhood and looking for the sweet spots to hang out I would suggest Loaves and Fishes. They're located on Charlotte street just before the banks. IF you have never been here before then you'll need a map, which you can get at the tourist place by the big fiddle on the harbor. If you don't know where that is then ask someone I'm sure they will direct you to it, and possibly invite you to dinner because that's the type of people Sydneyites/Sydneyins are (I still don't know what to call people who live here!) and so after a good meal and some fellowship follow their directions to the fiddle and get a map then go to Loaves and Fishes I'm sure they would love to have ya.
The other cool thing that happened just last night was a crazy little thing I like to call the God being crazy and awesome factor. Terra and I were having a discussion last night about our current financial situation and were discussing the finer points of paying bills with only a 1.55$ to our name when a knock came at the door. Mike was there delivering the mail to us, and Terra being funny asked me if there was a checks for her, I smirked and said no and looked to find in my hand no checks addressed to Terra but two addressed to me. And its was more then enough to get us through this month. It's amazing how often God answers our prayers before we get a chance to pray them, ya'd think he knew what we needed or something. So I want to take this moment to praise God cause He is awesome and the reality is that it doesn't have anything to do with the money he gave us this month, its simply because He is God and he loves us like crazy. So praise God and pass the pickles.


At 11:28 a.m., Blogger Xaven said...

That is so awesome dude.... Again, God provides in the craziest ways - sounds like some good faith stretching!


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