Good News Sydney

Thoughts, directions, and vision of the Sydney church plant.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I'm singing in the rain...

So actually I wasn't singing in the rain for two very important reasons, the first being my inability to walk and do anything else at the same time and two because it would be a social injustice for me to break into song in public. However I was walking in the rain today Listening to Norah Jones sing in the rain on my way to Loaves and Fishes when I came across a young lady on the curb. I passed by her as I would anyone else but as my feet steered me around her I could hear God cough suggestively under his breath. (For many of you God may very well speak to you in a loud clear voice but with me I find he likes to give me the suggestive cough, and the thing about the suggestive God cough is that there is an entense exchange of words that take place between God and myself all contained within his suggestive cough.) but for real as I walked passed this young lady with her jacket over her head soaked to the bone on my way to the warmth of the soup kitchen near by I felt a very strong conviction(aka the God suggestive cough) and God began to remind me of all the things I have been reading about lately, and in God's way he let me know I needed to sit down and talk to her.
I wish I could report that we had an inspiring conversation about God's love, his salvation plan for her and that she needed to accept Christ as Lord and join our church plant. However that wasn't even close to what happened. I asked her why she was sitting on a curb in the middle of the pouring rain and I could tell in her eyes that she was probably wondering why I was standing talking in the middle of the pouring rain, but unlike myself she was much more discrete and not nearly as nosy. So being the more nosy of the two of us I did discover that her name was Krystal'she and that she had to drop out of school because she has just recently had a baby. The reason she was sitting on the curb was because she was waiting for her dad to pick her up to take her home he was late and she was cold and wet. I carried on the conversation as best I could after that which was rough at best due to my inability engage in conversation unless it is about the latest game out or my stats on world of warcraft (/sigh) and shortly there after her dad showed up and as fast as the rain had come that day she was gone and I was continuing on my way to Loaves and Fishes listening to Norah Jones sing in the rain.
My thoughts for the rest of the day have been mixed, first I wonder why I had such a difficult time talking to this girl, I was frustrated because I didn't get to bring the conversation around to the love of Christ and I also have been wondering why whenever it rains Norah Jones seems to be the best music to listen to. I also wondered if I even really made an impact in Krystal's life, if she will even remember me when she goes home and has to feed her new born when she is up in the middle of the night because her child has a fever or is hungry? I don't know, but then God planted an idea in my head that has been sticking to me like peanut butter on a kids hands, What if the point wasn't to talk about Christ but to be Christ to her. For one moment in a world of craziness what if just sitting and talking with her was being Christ to her. I have know idea and I don't pretend to be real good at this talking to people about Jesus thing either but what I do know is that Christ compels me to go out and love people and today I think I got a chance to show Christ's love to Krystal , the rest is really up to God.; could I have done more, definitely did I do it all right probably not, but it really doesn't matter, in the end if we are willing to go God will deal with the details.


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