Good News Sydney

Thoughts, directions, and vision of the Sydney church plant.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Another day in the life of us Sydney folk

Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. So another week has come and gone and this is what's been happening. First and foremost the Weavers have finally moved in to their apartment here in Sydney. Jess is currently on the job hunt so please be putting that in your prayers and please being praying for Nate as he starts diving into the ministry here with us stay at home men ;) see for those of you who don't know Nate and Mike are both Americans and still waiting for their paperwork which means they are full time stay at homers as for me well I just seem to suck at the finding a job thing. I've been applying but keep getting the old rejected sticker. And so here I am sitting on the computer updating the blog jobless. But God is teaching me a lot about trusting him and actually learning to trust in him and have faith that He will provide. And its been good. So that's what's been happening on that front so be praying for all of us as God teaches us Guys about trusting!
So here's a thought to ponder

"Our intimacy with God is the gift of grace, not the attainment of piety. Our involvement in society is inspired by mercy, not militancy. Grace is the heartbeat of our vision." -Pete Greig (the vision and the vow)

I've been reading through this book the Vision and the Vow and its been crazy sweet. God has been teaching me a lot through it but this piece really hit me hard the other day so I wanted to share it here. Grace is key to living for Christ. In fact without grace what hope do we have of following Christ. And yet so often I find that Grace falls to the back seat in our relationship with Christ. Instead of falling on grace in our day to day walk with Christ we fall into a mind set of rights and wrongs. We replace grace and love for duty and guilt. Why, in our journey towards holiness in our walk with Christ, do we trade grace for duty, for lists of rules and for self righteousness many times?
Anyway that's all we have time for today folks


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