Good News Sydney

Thoughts, directions, and vision of the Sydney church plant.

Monday, July 31, 2006

When a stranger calls, hire a stampede of Hogs

So this weekend was pretty sweet. Sydney hosted a big Harley D. Rally here and it was insane, I've never seen so many Harley's ever not even on TV. It was crazy the video above is just a quick taste of what the Hog fest was like. The coolest part about the whole deal was that there were a lot of people out and it was great to be able to talk to them. Over all it was a crazy fun time.

On another note God has been doing some crazy awesome things during our times of prayer. As we have been entering into times of prayer we have been discovering that God is always doing crazy things. The other night I got a call at about 1:30 in the morning from a lady that just wanted to talk she had no idea who I was or what I was doing but she felt like talking. Last night Mike was praying for direction on a particular issue and out of no where while he is praying God showed him the answer through the internet. God is doing crazy things and its blowing our minds.

A couple of things we could definitely be using prayer for over the next few weeks is first and foremost that God will continue to guide and direct us in every aspect of our lives , second that we would continue to trust him for our daily provision especially financially and thirdly that we would be able to meet new people every day and that God would continue the work he has started here in Sydney.

well that's all I got so I'm done


At 12:43 p.m., Blogger Xaven said...

Hey! That video was awesome! Not to mention that it was super great to "see" you guys all in in.. cept for Terra, but she was probably the one behind the camera. Anyway - sounds like you guys are doing awesome!

Be encouraged and keep holding on faithfully


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