24-7 Prayer in Cape Breton
The Vision for Cape Breton
A movement sweeping the nations is upon us. It is not so much about organization or institution as it is about Spirit and Truth! The excerpt from “The Vision” above is much of the heart of what 24-7 Prayer is all about. It is about renewal, relationship, and revival of the heart with Jesus Christ for individuals that launches them into ‘faith with works’ or prayer in action! 24-7 Prayer is about a non-stop prayer movement that catapults those who experience the anointing of God through the prayer room into world-changing mission to reach the lost, the hurting, the dirty, and the dying with the love of Christ and the promise of the Kingdom of God! This is all about prayer that makes a difference beyond the four walls of church or a prayer room. This is about an army readied for service and battle.
Last month, January 14th – 21st, here in Sydney, Cape Breton we linked arms with many brothers and sisters in Christ from all different backgrounds to reach out to God and others. Partnering with other church leaders we organized and ran one entire week of continuous prayer from Sunday to Sunday with an opening service of worship, praise and prayer for one another and specifically for the community of New Waterford as well as a closing service in which the prayers, visions, and prophetic words that God had given us during the week were read to all the people. The closing evening service was marked by times of Thanksgiving and Confession with opportunity for all in attendance (approx. 200) to speak out these things to God. The atmosphere was electric!
Thanks to the Salvation Army’s Capt. Bill Preston and Maj. Velma Preston the entire week of prayer and the closing celebration service was housed in their new church facility. Thanks to God the week logistically speaking went smoothly and the room was safe and secure! Thanks to others’ cooperation with God and willingness to take the time to pray and be present the room was covered with prayers of word, art, writing, music, etc…non-stop(24-7) the entire week! This is history-making for our island and will have an impact as a catalyst for Spiritual renewal and transformation. People’s lives will be impacted for good, for Christ, because what happened this past week.
The room set up allowed for people praying according to their style of worship and expression. 11 stations and an area for communal prayer, discussion, or just plain ol’ hanging out gave physical substance to the room. The atmosphere in the prayer room was sometimes heavy and sometimes light and jovial, but God’s spirit was evident every time I experienced the room. One of the stations, the art station, was manned every day by my friend Dave Stephens who created a piece of art from a cherry-wood cross that was generously donated to our team. This cross will serve as a reminder and an inspiration as we move forward in God’s endeavor to plant Harbour Wesleyan Church. There is so much to tell about this past week of prayer including the spiritual warfare we encountered! Many people were touched by the presence of God in a variety of ways. Relationships were healed, people experienced peace, and the list goes on. I believe that the renovations of the heart that many experienced will lead to healing in this land.